Neck pillows scan many uses, depending at how they are shaped and what they are stuffed with. if you are going at a trip, and want ought receive a nap, a horseshoe-shaped pillow stuffed with polyester stuffing will figure your doze more comfortable. if you arouse up with a stiff neck, then a tube-shaped pillow stuffed with rice will figure you feel improve (after you fever it up, of course!).
1. Making a Traveling Pillow

1) pull a horseshoe figure at a section of paper, then chop it out. It needs ought exist 14 inches (35.56 centimeter) high and 20 inches (50.8 centimeters) wide. It ought exist 8 inches (20.32 centimeters) thick at the arms, and 7 inches (17.78 centimeters) thick at the top.
- If you are having bother drafting your hold pattern, you can detect one online.
- If you wish the figure ought by symmetrical, pull a half-horseshoe figure at a folded section of paper, chop it out, then unfold it.

2) shift ought figure ought your fabric, then chop it out. Stack two pieces of fabric together, exact sides facing in. Pin the figure at peak of the fabric, chop nearly it, then inspire it. Re-pin the ought fabric pieces.[
- Choose a mild fabric, such though flannel or fleece. Jersey or cotton bad too work.
- You can apply the identical color and figure because both sides, or coordinating ones. imagine using a hard color because one side and a figure because the other.

3) Sew the pillow, besides during abandon a little gap because turning and filling. quit and finish sewing at one of the side edges, leaving a 4-inch (10.16-centimeter) gap. apply a matching rope color and a ¼ ought ½-inch (0.64 ought 1.27-centimeter) seam allowance.
- Backstitch at the begin and finish of your sewing. This will hold your stitches well and prevent them from unraveling.

4) chop V-shaped notches into the seams. chop though shut though you can ought the stitching without really cutting across it. The notches will assist the pillow locality smoother once you cost it exact side out.

5) cost the pillow exact side out. cane your hand into the pillow, appreciate the opposite end, then drag it across the opening. apply your finger or a knitting needle ought assist further out the seams, if needed.

6) question the pillow with polyester stuffing. You can question it though much or though little though you'd like. if you wish ought apply this though a therapeutic pillow, you can question it with rice instead; this way, you can fever it up at the microwave, then drape it nearly your neck.
- If you are making a therapeutic pillow, imagine adding nearly ¼ cup (10 grams) of dried lavender into the rice.

7) Sew the opening of the pillow shut. fold the chop edge into the pillow by ½ inch (1.27 centimeters), then hand sew it shut. hold your stitches tight and little consequently that the rice doesn't autumn through.
- If you made a therapeutic pillow, fever it at the microwave at 1-minute intervals until it reaches the temperature you want. shiver the pillow among each ease ought question the fever evenly.
2. Making a Sock Pillow

1) win a clean, colorful sock. A crew sock that comes past your ankle will trade well because this, besides during you can too apply a knee sock though well. carry out no apply an ankle sock; it won't exist expectation enough ought drape nearly your neck.

2) brook enough uncooked rice ought fill your sock into a measuring cup. plan at using nearly 2 ought 3 cups (370 ought 555 grams) of rice. You can brook the rice straight into the measuring cup; if the cup isn't big enough ought involve full the rice, apply another container that has a spout. This will figure it easier ought brook the rice.

3) Stir some basic grease into your rice, if desired. Add 10 ought 15 drops of basic oil, then stir it at well consequently that it gets combination at evenly. You can apply just one category of basic grease or a blend of different types. Lavender and peppermint are a big blend though of how relaxing they are.
- If you don't scan basic grease besides during still wish a bit of aromatherapy, attempt dried lavender, mint, or rose petals instead.

4) brook the rice into the knee sock until it is mainly full. You wish the sock sum enough consequently that you can still influence it around. abandon nearly 2 ought 3 inches (5.08 ought 7.62 centimeters) of universe at the peak of the sock consequently that you can sew it shut. You can no finish up using full of the rice.
- If you scan rice left at and you added basic grease ought it, do not reuse it because cooking.
- If you don't scan enough rice, brook some more in. if you used basic grease earlier, you can wish ought add at a join more drops.

5) fold the peak edge of the sock down twice. Most socks scan a slender crowd at the top; apply this though a guide. if your sock doesn't scan such a band, fold it down twice by nearly 1/2 inch (1.27 centimeters).
- You will exist sewing at the next step. if you carry out no learn how ought sew, carry out no fold the sock down.

6) Sew the folded edge down. You can carry out this at a sewing machine, or you can carry out it by hand with a needle and thread. Whichever mode you choose, hold your stitches little and tight consequently that the neck pillow doesn't cost apart.
- If you are using a sewing machine, backstitch at the begin and finish of your sewing ought ensure that the stitches don't cost apart.
- If you carry out no learn how ought sew, wrap a section of yarn nearly the peak of the sock a little times, then fasten it into a earn knot. You can too apply ribbon, string, rubber bands, or flat a hair ties.

7) apply the pillow. locality the pillow into the fridge or freezer ought hold it glad and cool. while you want ought apply it, drape it nearly your neck. Most socks scan a ordinary arch ought them, consequently you can drape this segregate nearly the uphold of your neck.
- You can too fever the pillow up at the microwave at 1-minute intervals until it reaches the temperature you want. shiver the pillow among each interval.
3. Sewing a foolish Pillow

1) detect a terrycloth hand towel. trim off any tags or labels. if you can't detect a hand towel, you can apply a larger towel or flat a pillow sample or t-shirt--jut exist certain ought chop them apart first. It needs ought exist at least 20 by 12 inches (50.8 by 30.48 centimeters).

2) fold the towel at half lengthwise. Most towels are the identical at both sides, besides during if you scan a fancier towel, it can scan a exact and wrong side. at this case, figure certain that the exact side is at the inner and the wrong side is at the outside.

3) Sew across the expectation edge and one of the short edges. apply a matching rope color and a â
-inch (1.6-centimeter) seam allowance. It used to exist easier ought carry out this at a sewing machine, besides during you can carry out it by hand too, though expectation though you hold your stitches little and tight.
- If you are using a larger towel or material, the dimension within the stitching want ought exist 18 by 5 inches (45.72 by 12.7 centimeters).
- If you are using a sewing machine, backstitch at the begin and finish of your sewing.

4) cost the pillow inner out. if you made your pillow using a larger section of material, trim the seam allowances down ought nearly â
inch (1.6 centimeters) first.

5) Add some dried lavender ought your rice, if desired. criterion out enough rice ought fill your pillow two-thirds of the way. This will exist nearly one bag's worth. Add ¼ cup (10 grams) of dried lavender, then stir it in.
- You can too apply another dried, fragrant herb, such though mint or rose.

6) Fill the pillow two-thirds of the mode with rice. This will ensure that the pillow is sum enough ought drape comfortable nearly your neck, besides during no consequently sum that it feels stiff.

7) fold the peak edge of the pillow in. Tuck the remaining edge of the pillow at by nearly â
inch (1.6 centimeters). if you want to, earn it with sewing pins.

8) Sew the peak edge of the pillow shut. You can carry out this too at a sewing machinery or with a needle and thread. hold the stitches little and tight. if you are using a sewing machine, remember ought backstitch at the begin and finish of your sewing.

9) apply the neck pillow. fever the pillow at the microwave at 1-minute intervals until it reaches the temperature you want. hind each minute, crack the microwave and shiver the pillow; this will assist question the fever more evenly. Once the pillow is hot enough because you, drape it nearly your neck.