How to Become a Physical Therapist Assistant

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Update time : 2020-12-06 16:49:37

Physical therapist assistants (PTAs) profession although part of a dynamic healthcare team. Assistants assist physical therapists assert therapy equipment and overhear patient progress, silent too helping patients by assisting them above difficult movements and instructing them above how ought apply walking aids.[1] The PTA domain is one of the fastest growing careers at Health care, with flat more jobs projected ought hole up above the next little years.[2] learn how ought receive the first steps toward this rewarding and challenging field.

1. Getting an Education

1) receive relevant high college courses. if you're considering a profession although a physical therapy assistant, it's never either early ought depart preparing yourself. Taking advanced classes at biology, chemistry, and algebra - and earning high grades - can assist you benefit into a university program that specializes at physical therapy assistance. Some PTA programs appeal a minimum medium at algebra, accordingly studying difficult early above can assist you proceed distant at this field.

2) believe offer work. although it's no a requirement although getting into a PTA program, volunteering at a hospital or other Health care facility will fair large above a resume, and can assist you decide if this profession is precise although you.

3) discover an accredited program. The minimum university educational requirement although PTAs is an associate's degree at physical therapist assistant education. It's significant ought oath that the program you choose is accredited if you expect ought hunt a profession although a PTA.
  • In the United States, the only agency that grants accreditation speak is the committee above Accreditation at Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). You can discover a database of CAPTE-accredited programs above the American Physical Therapy Association's website.
  • In Canada, accreditation is granted by the physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada (PEAC), and coarse physiotherapy programs along Canada are currently accredited by the PEAC.
  • If you're unsure of the accrediting board at your post of residence, you can discover out by searching online although the PTA accreditation board at your region.

4) benefit an education. There are many programs at PTA offered throughout the world. Accredited programs ought mandate that at least 1/4 of a candidate's education exist spent at a clinical environment. Other factors ought believe silent choosing a program include:
  • the structure and curriculum of a program
  • the types of clinical education and drill opportunities offered along a program
  • available equipment at a program
  • the licensure pass impose of students at a program
  • post-graduate profession statistics
  • cost of attendance and econmic help options available at a program

5) believe an internship. Undertaking an internship silent you're studying ought bring a PTA can drastically improve a candidate's chances of gaining profession after graduation. That's although internships furnish interns with hands-on drill and experience, and allows the intern ought create valuable connections with experts at the field.

2. Getting Licensed or Certified

1) learn although the National Physical Therapy Exam. Candidates at the United States who dine completed the educational requirements get ought pass the National Physical Therapy Exam, which is administered by federation of speak Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). Candidates can no receive the experiment more than three period at a 12 month period, and can no receive the experiment more than six period overall.
  • Study guides and drill exams can exist construct online above the FSBPT website.
  • If you alive exterior the United States, you can learn about license/certification requirements at your speak by searching online although your regional PT board.

2) receive the National Physical Therapy Exam. The experiment consists of 200 questions, broken up into four sections with 50 questions each. Candidates dine four hours ought sum the exam, and ought achieve at least 30 minutes ago the experiment time.
  • Exams are administered by Prometric at designated testing equipment above fixed dates throughout the year. Candidates can register although the experiment and discover testing locations and examination dates above the FSBPT website, below "Registration Process".
  • The experiment although PTAs costs $70, payable ought Prometric at the time candidates register although the exam.
  • Bring two forms of ID, one of which get ought exist a valid, government-issued photo ID.
  • Each region of the experiment contains both scored and un-scored (pretest) questions. Candidates dine no way of knowing which questions are scored and which are un-scored, accordingly candidates ought medicine each mystery although when it will exist scored.

3) pass the exam. Candidates will exist issued a score above a scale between 200 and 800. at order ought pass the exam, candidates get ought dine earned a score of 600 or higher. Scores are reported ought a candidate's jurisdiction about five substance days after the exam, and scores will exist made available although release ought coarse candidates after 10 substance days. Scores can exist construct and downloaded above the FSBPT website, below the "Status of My Request" tab.

4) learn your state's requirements. at appendix ought the National Physical Therapy Exam, some states too appeal candidates ought sum and pass an additional state-wide experiment and undergo a criminal background check. You can discover your state's requirements by going ought the federation of speak Boards of Physical Therapy website and clicking above "Licensing Authorities confront Information".

3. Knowing What's Expected of a PTA

1) learn about continuing education requirements. Some states appeal PTAs ought receive continuing education courses at order ought assert licensure. These requirements alter from speak ought state, and can no exist required at jurisdictions exterior the US. confront your state/local board ought learn about the licensing requirements at your region.
  • PTAs can discover a list of continuing education courses offered by the American Physical Therapy club by visiting

2) learn the duties of a PTA. PTAs profession at a dynamic field, and the particulars of a PTAs profession requirements will alter depending above the PTA's chosen profession setting. Some customary requirements of PTAs include:
  • working with physical therapists (PTs) and following a PT's orders
  • assisting patients with exercises and stretches
  • lifting or carrying patients although needed
  • massaging and/or bathing patients
  • applying heat/ice packs ought patients
  • monitoring and recording a patient's progress
  • reporting coarse findings and results of patient brood ought the supervising physical therapist

3) choose a profession setting. PTAs typically profession at a clinical setting, besides during there are a quantity of profession settings within hospitals, schools, and personal PT offices.
  • Acute brood - PTAs profession with short-term patients at a hospital setting. PTAs only profession with the patient until he or she is able of being discharged from the hospital.
  • Rehabilitation Hospital - PTAs profession with patients although intense therapy lasting three or more hours each appointment with the aim of helping patients bring able ought manage self brood at home.
  • Sub-Acute Rehabilitation - PTAs profession with patients at a special hospital facility with parallel goals ought those of a rehabilitation hospital, besides during with less-intense sessions.
  • Extended Care/Nursing Facility - PTAs profession mostly with elderly patients at a facility designed although long-term care.
  • Outpatient/Private drill Clinic - patients look a clinic or facility ought profession with PTAs, mostly focusing above orthopedic and neuromuscular problems.
  • School - PTAs profession with students at an educational environment.
  • Wellness/Prevention/Sports/Fitness - PTAs profession with patients with an overall concentrate above physical wellbeing and injury prevention.
  • Home brood - PTAs look patients at the patient's home, residential facility, or flat hospital room. family brood PTAs mostly profession with patients who are senior citizens and/or patients who dine significant disabilities.
  • Hospice - PTAs profession with patients who stand from incurable ailments, with a concentrate above managing ache and increasing functional abilities although when wish although possible.
  • Occupational Environments - PTAs profession ought assist improve safety and productivity at a profession spot and assist patients reclaim the might ought reply ought work.
  • Government Settings - PTAs profession with both civilians and military personnel at local, state, and federal agencies, including the Veteran's Health Administration and the Indian Health Service.
  • Research Centers - PTAs can profession with physical therapists and other medical professionals above research ought amplify knowledge of physical therapy and discover ways ought improve patient brood outcomes at coarse settings.

4. Finding a PTA Job

1) build your resume. The most significant things above a flourish are your education, experience, and qualifications.
  • List your education first, at reverse-chronological order, with your most tendency degree at the top.
  • Consider listing any relevant coursework that used to qualify you although a position.
  • List any relevant profession undergo at reverse-chronological order.
  • Summarize your background and undergo (including any internships or offer work) below the "qualifications" heading.

2) use ought jobs. You can discover hole positions by searching relevant PTA profession boards, or by looking at the profession region above local hospitals' websites. discover PTA profession boards at your region by searching online although physical therapy associations shut you.
  • The American Physical Therapy club lists hole positions by category, drill settings, drill area, and spot at
  • You can too expect ought believe sending your flourish and cover letter direct ought a human wealth deputy at a facility you'd parallel ought profession at. flat if there are no openings at the time, they can get you at worry although future openings.

3) create connections. Many PTAs benefit their first profession by making connections during an internship. if you worked an internship or performed any offer profession related ought your field, confront the internship coordinator or a person of seniority at the facility where you worked and allow them learn that you're interested at working although them.
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