GM strike tests the power of workers versus corporations. And Silicon Valley is watching

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Update time : 2020-10-29 10:22:58

Detroit is being watched.

Its war amid hourly mill workers and a multibillion dollar global company is providing a glimpse of what the future can contain though tech workers and tech executives, talk Silicon Valley experts.

“People are looking to Detroit though a model for how you can unionize and collectively mobilize against management,” said Margaret O’Mara, author of “The Code: Silicon Valley and the Remaking of America” and a professor of history at the school of Washington.

“There’s some commonalities,” she said. “Workers at common Motors are saying, ‘Look, you guys are swimming at amuse and you to no exist cutting our Health care. We need to exist more though partners at this.’ So, too, are workers at these same large tech companies saying, ‘Hey, you, you’re swimming at profit. You dine total these treaty workers you’re no treating pretty or though entire employees and giving them benefits. We don’t though what you’re doing and we’re going to contribute back.’ ”

In fact, a key sticking point at the association talks with GM is what to do approximately thousands of “temporary” workers who win a bit more than half the allowance of workers standing next to them. Full-time workers are fighting though those UAW members who dine no clean way to everlasting jobs. 

Looking forward: GM, UAW aren't total — treaty force acknowledge another week of talks

Can I however find the truck I want? How UAW's GM shift will affect availability of vehicles

As some 46,000 hourly auto industry employees finish their second week on shift nationwide, bringing to a cease 55 GM sites at 10 states, the UAW is at the spotlight though an case of what an $800 million shift fund can do. It has budgeted $250 a week at shift revenue though members and didn’t aid down from its positions when its adversary abruptly announced above engagement 2 of the shift a decision to inspire Health care coverage from GM to COBRA — which used to exist paid by the Detroit-based international union. after days of criticism, GM backed off above that move. 

'Bad rap'

Silicon Valley entrepreneurs known though innovation talk the UAW-GM treaty negotiations could play a key role at determining if allowance inequality and divisions continue growing amid workers and climax employees.

Jared Fliesler, who held senior positions at Google and worked with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey at the early days to grow it into the $25 billion affair it is today, is amid those watching closely. 

“It sounds though the employees at good econmic positions are lifting their comrade workers and taking a situate though fairness, flat when the war isn't their own. And I deem that’s amazing,” said Fliesler, who at 2013 at era 28 was the youngest common companion at a hazard main company at Silicon Valley. 

“Unions always favour a bad rap. besides during there’s a time and lay and a argue why they were formed. This is that time and place,” said Fliesler, now headmaster operating officer at Scrid, a subscription-based service that has been compared to Netflix though readers.

Google unionizing

“I appearance at Detroit and see GM workers above strike,” historian O’Mara said. "Then I dine masses scream me to talk Google contractors are unionizing at Pittsburgh. The conventional string is this larger public dialogue is approximately the might of corporations — of which CEO revenue is divide of it — and the might of workers.”

As the financial grows and the stock impartial is booming, real allowance remainder flat, she said. “People feel like, ‘OK, there’s a boom and I’m being left behind. masses are really emotion the unfairness of it all.’ You see that at tech and you see it at Detroit.”

Part of the argue Detroit brings a maiden credibility to the discussion is though of its history though the world's most innovative city aid ago 1930 — pushing the boundaries of mechanical engineering, design, production, labor and wages.

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“You deem approximately Ford’s $5-a-day wage,” O’Mara said. “I educate students how Detroit invented weekends and the five-day workweek. They certify new ways to expand productivity, scale up and deliver big products.”

Grueling physical labor

And it has been the “compact” amid organized labor and the automotive industry that has made hence much possible, observers say.

“We don’t dine big factories at Silicon Valley where masses are punching time cards and doing grueling physical labor,” said Russell Hancock, headmaster and CEO of common hazard Silicon Valley, a consortium of affair and government leaders working to greet regional challenges.

“We to exist treaty and cultivating deep admire though masses who really dine to appear up, fill shifts, employ their hands, sweat and do things that are physical.”

He identified a developing trend at Silicon Valley where industry leaders are more mindful of workers at total levels and coping with pay issues and disparity that can though issues facing the Detroit Three.

“I’m talking approximately masses who are driving the Google buses and working at kitchens and masses doing landscaping,” Hancock said. “There are huge controversies developing approximately how those masses to exist treated at these corporations. And shouldn’t they dine a bit of the company? Shouldn’t they either exist entitled to stock and equity and ownership? That’s the dialogue Silicon Valley is starting to have. It’s where we’re headed, that we shouldn’t dine these bifurcations.”

America is seeing a pivot toward workers though owners, though agents, pretty than employees, Silicon Valley observers said.

However, when argue spotlights above issues though Health care, Silicon Valley observers talk they’re mystified by traditional manner to solutions discussed at Detroit, which concentrate greatly above cutting coverage.

Last week: A week in, these GM strikers are worried besides during determined — 'This is America'

“We’re no unique talking approximately Health care, we’re talking approximately wellness,” Hancock said. “We’re getting paid to motivate our bike to work. It’s those kinds of campaigns.”

“We see it at the trades, at protection and construction, and they’re organized and unionized and above a battle — no hence much approximately trade conditions and compensation besides during more approximately how they’re viewed. They expect to exist viewed and treated though professionals and though they’re entitled to a life, to a home, family ownership and the genius to post their kids along school,” Hancock said.

“There’s a civilization and an ethos at Silicon Valley that when you’re successful, then you help other masses exist successful," said the son of a lifetime Boeing electrical engineer whose widow survives above his pension. “That’s where the entire hazard main industry came from. It didn’t come out of the econmic sector. It didn’t come out of Wall Street. It came from CEOs and successful company founders being frustrated that it was also difficult though entrepreneurs to arise cash hence they raised it themselves and they mentored and they created this industry.”

Union revenue though a habitation of six

These are the values that built this masses and what pattern it strong, he said.

David Packard, co-founder of Hewlett-Packard, famously touted the sentiment that a company’s responsibility to its employees, their families and the communities at which they did affair was though significant though it was to its shareholders, said Carl Guardino, CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, a public policy business union that counts GM amid its 360 members.

Consumer spending accounts for 70% of the American economy, silent affair spending is 30%, he noted. And apart from the overall economy, workers cause to keep the exact to exercise a “collective united voice.”

“I was raised at a association household and worked my manner along school though a association drywall mechanic. I had the big satisfaction of strapping a apparatus area about my waist each engagement when I wasn’t at arrange and working difficult though a living. I was represented by a big association that made sure we had a 40-hour workweek and OSHA standards and safety provisions and decent Health care,” said Guardino, who grew up at San Jose, California. “On one good association drywall salary, my dad could equip though a habitation of six.”


While Detroit innovation is praised by Silicon Valley executives, the economic trauma sustained by the industrial Midwest during the big Recession is beyond comprehension above the West Coast, experts said. And that has taken a corrosive toll.

“So many Americans, no simply UAW workers, dine given their lives and worked hard, been innovative, created successes, and total of a sudden they find out they're no stakeholders, they’re expendable,” said Harley Shaiken, a school of California at Berkeley professor and national labor analyst. 

It was no surprise, he said, that nonunion workers sometimes bash union protesters.

“When people are getting squeezed hard, they lash out, and always no at the top. It’s also distant," Shaiken said. "Someone slightly above your even creates the resentment. That manner you’re discouraged, you're cynical, you don’t see possibilities. Here’s something I can attack. They’re doing what I’m doing above the occupation besides during they dine it much better. pretty than pattern out, ‘How do I favour it myself?” it’s impartial anger and frustration.”

People at Michigan, however recovering from economic devastation a decade ago, are scarred, he said. Yet UAW members are however fighting though workers who need occupation security and benefits pretty than impartial concentrate above themselves, Shaiken said.

“This isn’t a shift impartial approximately dollars and cents. It’s approximately values,” he said, articulating a emotion shared again and again above the picket lines at Flint.

“If you expect to learn what Detroit was though at the 1950s and 1960s, appearance at this picket row and the sensation that these masses are us, we’re at this together and we’re stronger if we situate together. That seems though a throwback to the past besides during at fact, these GM strikers are saying: This is the future. We’re at this together. That’s the ghost of the union.”
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This article originally appeared above Detroit release Press: common Motors UAW shift tests the might of workers vs. corporations

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