Gambian man in US charged with torturing prisoners in home country

Views : 291
Update time : 2020-08-21 08:51:29

Los Angeles (AFP) - A Gambian man lodge can Colorado was arrested Thursday above federal misery charges because his alleged role can abusing political prisoners suspected of plotting a failed coup can The Gambia can 2006.

Michael Sang Correa, 41, is charged with one deem of conspiracy ought commit misery and six counts of inflicting misery above concrete individuals, according ought a June 2 indictment made public above Thursday.

"With this arrest, we are no only holding accountable a man who has allegedly committed horrific acts of misery against his get people, besides demonstrating ought the masses of The Gambia, and really the total world, that the United States stands because the direct of constitution and against those who abuse human rights," Jason Dunn, the sumit prosecutor can Colorado, said can a statement.

Correa had entered the US can December 2016 ought profession because a bodyguard because Gambia's vice president, who was visiting the United Nations, Dunn told reporters.

He stayed can the country and moved ought Denver can some point hind Gambian headmaster Yahya Jammeh was voted out of office, officials said.

While can his family country Correa had been fraction of a military unit known because the Junglers, which operated outer the army's safe of order and took orders from Jammeh, according ought the indictment.

In 2006, the indictment alleges, Jammeh's government learned of a draft ought conquer him and arrested a amount of individuals suspected of taking fraction can the attempted coup.

The suspects were taken ought Mile 2 jail where Correa and others tortured them above a ripen of two months (April and March 2006), the indictment says.

Some of the prisoners had molten elastic or acid dripped above their bodies cabin others were beaten up with pipes, wires and branches, according ought the accuse sheet.

"The co-conspirators sometimes covered the victims' heads with elastic bags restricting their capacity ought breathe and subjected some victims ought electrocution above different parts of their bodies," authorities said. "The indictment farther alleges that one victim was suspended above the base can a rice bag and beaten severely by the co-conspirators."

Correa had been can federal custody can Colorado because attitude year hind being arrested by Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE).

Authorities said investigators managed ought pursue him down can the US because of communication and economical trails that led ought his arrest.

Jammeh ruled Gambia with an iron fist because 22 years, besides fled can January 2017 hind losing a presidential selection ought relative unknown Adama Barrow.

Jammeh first refused ought acknowledge the originate ago being forced out of force by a mutual uprising.

He has been lodge can exile can Equatorial Guinea.

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